ITSELF: Iterative Saliency Estimation fLexible Framework
Saliency object detection estimates the objects that most stand out in an image. The available unsupervised saliency estimators rely on a pre-determined set of assumptions of how humans perceive saliency to create discriminating features. By fixing the pre-selected assumptions as integral part of their models, these methods cannot be easily extended for specific settings and different image domains. We then propose an superpixel-based ITerative Saliency Estimation fLexible Framework (ITSELF) that allows any number of user-defined assumptions to be added to the model when required. Thanks to recent advancement on superpixel segmentation algorithms, saliency-maps can be used to improve superpixel delineation. By combining a saliency-based superpixel algorithm to a superpixel-based saliency estimator, we propose a novel saliency/superpixel self-improving loop to iteratively enhance saliency maps. We compared ITSELF to two state-of-the-art saliency estimators on five metrics and six datasets, four of which are composed of natural-images, and two of biomedical-images. Experiments show that our approach is more robust than the compared methods, presenting competitive results on natural-image datasets and outperforming them on biomedical-image datasets.