Java Cryptography Uses in the Wild

[Background] Previous research has shown that developers commonly misuse cryptography APIs. [Aim] We have conducted an exploratory study to find out how crypto APIs are used in open-source Java projects, what types of misuses exist, and why developers make such mistakes. [Method] We used a static analysis tool to analyze hundreds of open-source Java projects that rely on Java Cryptography Architecture, and manually inspected half of the analysis results to assess the tool results. We also contacted the maintainers of these projects by creating an issue on the GitHub repository of each project, and discussed the misuses with developers. [Results] We learned that 85 misused, however, not every misuse has severe consequences. Developer feedback showed that security caveats in the documentation of crypto APIs are rare, developers may overlook misuses that originate in third-party code, and the context where a Crypto API is used should be taken into account. [Conclusion] We conclude that using Crypto APIs is still problematic for developers but blindly blaming them for such misuses may lead to erroneous conclusions.


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