Latent Adversarial Defence with Boundary-guided Generation

by   Xiaowei Zhou, et al.

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have recently achieved great success in many tasks, which encourages DNNs to be widely used as a machine learning service in model sharing scenarios. However, attackers can easily generate adversarial examples with a small perturbation to fool the DNN models to predict wrong labels. To improve the robustness of shared DNN models against adversarial attacks, we propose a novel method called Latent Adversarial Defence (LAD). The proposed LAD method improves the robustness of a DNN model through adversarial training on generated adversarial examples. Different from popular attack methods which are carried in the input space and only generate adversarial examples of repeating patterns, LAD generates myriad of adversarial examples through adding perturbations to latent features along the normal of the decision boundary which is constructed by an SVM with an attention mechanism. Once adversarial examples are generated, we adversarially train the model through augmenting the training data with generated adversarial examples. Extensive experiments on the MNIST, SVHN, and CelebA dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our model in defending against different types of adversarial attacks.


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