Learning to Substitute Ingredients in Recipes

by   Bahare Fatemi, et al.

Recipe personalization through ingredient substitution has the potential to help people meet their dietary needs and preferences, avoid potential allergens, and ease culinary exploration in everyone's kitchen. To address ingredient substitution, we build a benchmark, composed of a dataset of substitution pairs with standardized splits, evaluation metrics, and baselines. We further introduce Graph-based Ingredient Substitution Module (GISMo), a novel model that leverages the context of a recipe as well as generic ingredient relational information encoded within a graph to rank plausible substitutions. We show through comprehensive experimental validation that GISMo surpasses the best performing baseline by a large margin in terms of mean reciprocal rank. Finally, we highlight the benefits of GISMo by integrating it in an improved image-to-recipe generation pipeline, enabling recipe personalization through user intervention. Quantitative and qualitative results show the efficacy of our proposed system, paving the road towards truly personalized cooking and tasting experiences.


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