Learning Tuple Compatibility for Conditional OutfitRecommendation

by   Xuewen Yang, et al.

Outfit recommendation requires the answers of some challenging outfit compatibility questions such as 'Which pair of boots and school bag go well with my jeans and sweater?'. It is more complicated than conventional similarity search, and needs to consider not only visual aesthetics but also the intrinsic fine-grained and multi-category nature of fashion items. Some existing approaches solve the problem through sequential models or learning pair-wise distances between items. However, most of them only consider coarse category information in defining fashion compatibility while neglecting the fine-grained category information often desired in practical applications. To better define the fashion compatibility and more flexibly meet different needs, we propose a novel problem of learning compatibility among multiple tuples (each consisting of an item and category pair), and recommending fashion items following the category choices from customers. Our contributions include: 1) Designing a Mixed Category Attention Net (MCAN) which integrates both fine-grained and coarse category information into recommendation and learns the compatibility among fashion tuples. MCAN can explicitly and effectively generate diverse and controllable recommendations based on need. 2) Contributing a new dataset IQON, which follows eastern culture and can be used to test the generalization of recommendation systems. Our extensive experiments on a reference dataset Polyvore and our dataset IQON demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art recommendation methods.


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