Local Stochastic Algorithms for Alignment in Self-Organizing Particle Systems

by   Hridesh Kedia, et al.

We present local distributed, stochastic algorithms for alignment in self-organizing particle systems (SOPS) on two-dimensional lattices, where particles occupy unique sites on the lattice, and particles can make spatial moves to neighboring sites if they are unoccupied. Such models are abstractions of programmable matter, composed of individual computational particles with limited memory, strictly local communication abilities, and modest computational capabilities. We consider oriented particle systems, where particles are assigned a vector pointing in one of q directions, and each particle can compute the angle between its direction and the direction of any neighboring particle, although without knowledge of global orientation with respect to a fixed underlying coordinate system. Particles move stochastically, with each particle able to either modify its direction or make a local spatial move along a lattice edge during a move. We consider two settings: (a) where particle configurations must remain simply connected at all times and (b) where spatial moves are unconstrained and configurations can disconnect. Taking inspiration from the Potts and clock models from statistical physics, we prove that for any q ≥ 2, these self-organizing particle systems can be made to collectively align along a single dominant direction (analogous to a solid or ordered state) or remain non-aligned, in which case the fraction of particles oriented along any direction is nearly equal (analogous to a gaseous or disordered state). Moreover, we show that with appropriate settings of the input parameters, we can achieve compression and expansion, controlling how tightly gathered the particles are, as well as alignment or nonalignment, producing a single dominant orientation or not.


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