Logarithmic Weisfeiler–Leman Identifies All Graphs of Bounded Rank Width

by   Michael Levet, et al.

In this paper, we extend the work of Grohe Neuen (ACM T. Comput. Log., 2023) to show that the (6k+3)-dimensional Weisfeiler–Leman (WL) algorithm can identify graphs of rank width k using only O(log n) rounds. As a consequence, we obtain that graphs of bounded rank width are identified by + formulas with 6k+4 variables and quantifier depth O(log n). Furthermore, in light of the parallel WL implementation due to Grohe Verbitsky (ICALP 2006), we obtain ^1 upper bounds for isomorphism testing of graphs of bounded rank width. Prior to this paper, isomorphism testing for graphs of bounded rank width was not known to be in .


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