Longest Property-Preserved Common Factor

by   Lorraine A. K. Ayad, et al.

In this paper we introduce a new family of string processing problems. We are given two or more strings and we are asked to compute a factor common to all strings that preserves a specific property and has maximal length. Here we consider three fundamental string properties: square-free factors, periodic factors, and palindromic factors under three different settings, one per property. In the first setting, we are given a string x and we are asked to construct a data structure over x answering the following type of on-line queries: given string y, find a longest square-free factor common to x and y. In the second setting, we are given k strings and an integer 1 < k'≤ k and we are asked to find a longest periodic factor common to at least k' strings. In the third setting, we are given two strings and we are asked to find a longest palindromic factor common to the two strings. We present linear-time solutions for all settings. We anticipate that our paradigm can be extended to other string properties or settings.


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