Look Before You Leap: Learning Landmark Features for One-Stage Visual Grounding

by   Binbin Huang, et al.

An LBYL (`Look Before You Leap') Network is proposed for end-to-end trainable one-stage visual grounding. The idea behind LBYL-Net is intuitive and straightforward: we follow a language's description to localize the target object based on its relative spatial relation to `Landmarks', which is characterized by some spatial positional words and some descriptive words about the object. The core of our LBYL-Net is a landmark feature convolution module that transmits the visual features with the guidance of linguistic description along with different directions. Consequently, such a module encodes the relative spatial positional relations between the current object and its context. Then we combine the contextual information from the landmark feature convolution module with the target's visual features for grounding. To make this landmark feature convolution light-weight, we introduce a dynamic programming algorithm (termed dynamic max pooling) with low complexity to extract the landmark feature. Thanks to the landmark feature convolution module, we mimic the human behavior of `Look Before You Leap' to design an LBYL-Net, which takes full consideration of contextual information. Extensive experiments show our method's effectiveness in four grounding datasets. Specifically, our LBYL-Net outperforms all state-of-the-art two-stage and one-stage methods on ReferitGame. On RefCOCO and RefCOCO+, Our LBYL-Net also achieves comparable results or even better results than existing one-stage methods.


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