MacLeR: Machine Learning-based Run-Time Hardware Trojan Detection in Resource-Constrained IoT Edge Devices
Traditional learning-based approaches for run-time Hardware Trojan detection require complex and expensive on-chip data acquisition frameworks and thus incur high area and power overhead. To address these challenges, we propose to leverage the power correlation between the executing instructions of a microprocessor to establish a machine learning-based run-time Hardware Trojan (HT) detection framework, called MacLeR. To reduce the overhead of data acquisition, we propose a single power-port current acquisition block using current sensors in time-division multiplexing, which increases accuracy while incurring reduced area overhead. We have implemented a practical solution by analyzing multiple HT benchmarks inserted in the RTL of a system-on-chip (SoC) consisting of four LEON3 processors integrated with other IPs like vga_lcd, RSA, AES, Ethernet, and memory controllers. Our experimental results show that compared to state-of-the-art HT detection techniques, MacLeR achieves 10% better HT detection accuracy (i.e., 96.256 area and power overhead (i.e., 0.025 power of the SoC). In addition, we also analyze the impact of process variation and aging on the extracted power profiles and the HT detection accuracy of MacLeR. Our analysis shows that variations in fine-grained power profiles due to the HTs are significantly higher compared to the variations in fine-grained power profiles caused by the process variations (PV) and aging effects. Moreover, our analysis demonstrates that, on average, the HT detection accuracy drop in MacLeR is less than 1 worst-case aging, respectively, which is 10x less than in the case of the state-of-the-art ML-based HT detection technique.