Manifold Optimization Based Multi-user Rate Maximization Aided by Intelligent Reflecting Surface

by   Liyue Zhang, et al.

In this work, two problems associated with a downlink multi-user system are considered with the aid of intelligent reflecting surface (IRS): weighted sum-rate maximization and weighted minimal-rate maximization. For the first problem, a novel DOuble Manifold ALternating Optimization (DOMALO) algorithm is proposed by exploiting the matrix manifold theory and introducing the beamforming matrix and reflection vector using complex sphere manifold and complex oblique manifold, respectively, which incorporate the inherent geometrical structure and the required constraint. A smooth double manifold alternating optimization (S-DOMALO) algorithm is then developed based on the Dinkelbach-type algorithm and smooth exponential penalty function for the second problem. Finally, possible cooperative beamforming gain between IRSs and the IRS phase shift with limited resolution is studied, providing a reference for practical implementation. Numerical results show that our proposed algorithms can significantly outperform the benchmark schemes.


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