matrixdist: An R Package for Inhomogeneous Phase-Type Distributions

by   Martin Bladt, et al.

Inhomogeneous phase-type distributions (IPH) are a broad class of laws which arise from the absorption times of Markov jump processes. In the time-homogeneous particular case, we recover phase-type (PH) distributions. In matrix notation, various functionals corresponding to their distributional properties are explicitly available and succinctly described. As the number of parameters increases, IPH distributions may converge weakly to any probability measure on the positive real line, making them particularly attractive candidates for statistical modelling purposes. Contrary to PH distributions, the IPH class allows for a wide range of tail behaviours, which often leads to adequate estimation with a moderate number of parameters. One of the main difficulties in estimating PH and IPH distributions is their large number of matrix parameters. This drawback is best handled through the expectation-maximisation (EM) algorithm, exploiting the underlying and unobserved Markov structure. The matrixdist package presents tools for IPH distributions to efficiently evaluate functionals, simulate, and carry out maximum likelihood estimation through a three-step EM algorithm. Aggregated and right-censored data are supported by the fitting routines, and in particular, one may estimate time-to-event data, histograms, or discretised theoretical distributions.


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