MaxSkew and MultiSkew: Two R Packages for Detecting, Measuring and Removing Multivariate Skewness

by   Cinzia Franceschini, et al.

Skewness plays a relevant role in several multivariate statistical techniques. Sometimes it is used to recover data features, as in cluster analysis. In other circumstances, skewness impairs the performances of statistical methods, as in the Hotelling's one-sample test. In both cases, there is the need to check the symmetry of the underlying distribution, either by visual inspection or by formal testing. The R packages MaxSkew and MultiSkew address these issues by measuring, testing and removing skewness from multivariate data. Skewness is assessed by the third multivariate cumulant and its functions. The hypothesis of symmetry is tested either nonparametrically, with the bootstrap, or parametrically, under the normality assumption. Skewness is removed or at least alleviated by projecting the data onto appropriate linear subspaces. Usages of MaxSkew and MultiSkew are illustrated with the Iris dataset.


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