Memorizing Comprehensively to Learn Adaptively: Unsupervised Cross-Domain Person Re-ID with Multi-level Memory

by   Xinyu Zhang, et al.

Unsupervised cross-domain person re-identification (Re-ID) aims to adapt the information from the labelled source domain to an unlabelled target domain. Due to the lack of supervision in the target domain, it is crucial to identify the underlying similarity-and-dissimilarity relationships among the unlabelled samples in the target domain. In order to use the whole data relationships efficiently in mini-batch training, we apply a series of memory modules to maintain an up-to-date representation of the entire dataset. Unlike the simple exemplar memory in previous works, we propose a novel multi-level memory network (MMN) to discover multi-level complementary information in the target domain, relying on three memory modules, i.e., part-level memory, instance-level memory, and domain-level memory. The proposed memory modules store multi-level representations of the target domain, which capture both the fine-grained differences between images and the global structure for the holistic target domain. The three memory modules complement each other and systematically integrate multi-level supervision from bottom to up. Experiments on three datasets demonstrate that the multi-level memory modules cooperatively boost the unsupervised cross-domain Re-ID task, and the proposed MMN achieves competitive results.


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