MLPF: Efficient machine-learned particle-flow reconstruction using graph neural networks
In general-purpose particle detectors, the particle flow algorithm may be used to reconstruct a coherent particle-level view of the event by combining information from the calorimeters and the trackers, significantly improving the detector resolution for jets and the missing transverse momentum. In view of the planned high-luminosity upgrade of the CERN Large Hadron Collider, it is necessary to revisit existing reconstruction algorithms and ensure that both the physics and computational performance are sufficient in a high-pileup environment. Recent developments in machine learning may offer a prospect for efficient event reconstruction based on parametric models. We introduce MLPF, an end-to-end trainable machine-learned particle flow algorithm for reconstructing particle flow candidates based on parallelizable, computationally efficient, scalable graph neural networks and a multi-task objective. We report the physics and computational performance of the MLPF algorithm on on a synthetic dataset of ttbar events in HL-LHC running conditions, including the simulation of multiple interaction effects, and discuss potential next steps and considerations towards ML-based reconstruction in a general purpose particle detector.