Model checking and model synthesisfrom partial models: a logic-based perspective

by   Valentin Goranko, et al.

I consider the following generic scenario: an abstract model M of some 'real' system is only partially presented, or partially known to us, and we have to ensure that the actual system satisfies a given specification, formalised in some logical language. This scenario has at least two essentially different interpretations, leading to two, essentially different, formal logical and algorithmic problems: "Model Synthesis from Partial Models", where some 'admissible' extension of M to a full model must satisfy the specification, and "Model Checking of Partial Models", where all 'admissible' extensions of M to a full model must satisfy the specification. These problems naturally extend the classical logical decision problems of Satisfiability, Validity, and Model Checking. Here I briefly discuss both problems in the contexts of classical, modal and temporal logics. I make some observations, state some open questions, and outline a general tableaux-style procedure that solves the problem of unconstrained model synthesis from finite partial models for several well-known modal and temporal logics, incl. K, LTL, CTL, ATL.


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