Modeling and Analysis of MmWave Communications in Cache-enabled HetNets

by   Wenqiang Yi, et al.

In this paper, we consider a novel cache-enabled heterogeneous network (HetNet), where macro base stations (BSs) with traditional sub-6 GHz are overlaid by dense millimeter wave (mmWave) pico BSs. These two-tier BSs, which are modeled as two independent homogeneous Poisson Point Processes, cache multimedia contents following the popularity rank. High-capacity backhauls are utilized between macro BSs and the core server. A maximum received power strategy is introduced for deducing novel algorithms of the success probability and area spectral efficiency (ASE). Moreover, Monte Carlo simulations are presented to verify the analytical conclusions and numerical results demonstrate that: 1) the proposed HetNet is an interference-limited system and it outperforms the traditional HetNets; 2) there exists an optimal pre-decided rate threshold that contributes to the maximum ASE; and 3) 73 GHz is the best mmWave carrier frequency regarding ASE due to the large antenna scale.


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