More than meets the eye: Self-supervised depth reconstruction from brain activity
In the past few years, significant advancements were made in reconstruction of observed natural images from fMRI brain recordings using deep-learning tools. Here, for the first time, we show that dense 3D depth maps of observed 2D natural images can also be recovered directly from fMRI brain recordings. We use an off-the-shelf method to estimate the unknown depth maps of natural images. This is applied to both: (i) the small number of images presented to subjects in an fMRI scanner (images for which we have fMRI recordings - referred to as "paired" data), and (ii) a very large number of natural images with no fMRI recordings ("unpaired data"). The estimated depth maps are then used as an auxiliary reconstruction criterion to train for depth reconstruction directly from fMRI. We propose two main approaches: Depth-only recovery and joint image-depth RGBD recovery. Because the number of available "paired" training data (images with fMRI) is small, we enrich the training data via self-supervised cycle-consistent training on many "unpaired" data (natural images depth maps without fMRI). This is achieved using our newly defined and trained Depth-based Perceptual Similarity metric as a reconstruction criterion. We show that predicting the depth map directly from fMRI outperforms its indirect sequential recovery from the reconstructed images. We further show that activations from early cortical visual areas dominate our depth reconstruction results, and propose means to characterize fMRI voxels by their degree of depth-information tuning. This work adds an important layer of decoded information, extending the current envelope of visual brain decoding capabilities.