Multi-level tree based approach for interactive graph visualization with semantic zoom
A recent data visualization literacy study shows that most people cannot read networks that use hierarchical cluster representations such as "super-noding" and "edge bundling." Other studies that compare standard node-link representations with map-like visualizations show that map-like visualizations are superior in terms of task performance, memorization and engagement. With this in mind, we propose the Zoomable Multilevel Tree (ZMLT) algorithm for map-like visualization of large graphs that is representative, real, persistent, overlap-free labeled, planar, and compact. These six desirable properties are formalized with the following guarantees: (1) The abstract and embedded trees represent the underlying graph appropriately at different level of details (in terms of the structure of the graph as well as the embedding thereof); (2) At every level of detail we show real vertices and real paths from the underlying graph; (3) If any node or edge appears in a given level, then they also appear in all deeper levels; (4) All nodes at the current level and higher levels are labeled and there are no label overlaps; (5) There are no crossings on any level; (6) The drawing area is proportional to the total area of the labels. This algorithm is implemented and we have a functional prototype for the interactive interface in a web browser.