Multi-object Monocular SLAM for Dynamic Environments

by   Gokul B. Nair, et al.

Multibody monocular SLAM in dynamic environments remains a long-standing challenge in terms of perception and state estimation. Although theoretical solutions exist, practice lags behind, predominantly due to the lack of robust perceptual and predictive models of dynamic participants. The quintessential challenge in Multi-body monocular SLAM in dynamic scenes stems from the problem of unobservability as it is not possible to triangulate a moving object from a moving monocular camera. Under restrictions of object motion the problem can be solved, however even here one is entailed to solve for the single family solution to the relative scale problem. The relative scale problem exists since the dynamic objects that get reconstructed with the monocular camera have a different scale vis a vis the scale space in which the stationary scene is reconstructed. We solve this rather intractable problem by reconstructing dynamic vehicles/participants in single view in metric scale through an object SLAM pipeline. Further, we lift the ego vehicle trajectory obtained from Monocular ORB-SLAM also into metric scales making use of ground plane features thereby resolving the relative scale problem. We present a multi pose-graph optimization formulation to estimate the pose and track dynamic objects in the environment. This optimization helps us reduce the average error in trajectories of multiple bodies in KITTI Tracking sequences. To the best of our knowledge, our method is the first practical monocular multi-body SLAM system to perform dynamic multi-object and ego localization in a unified framework in metric scale.


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