Multi-Scale Wavelet Transformer for Face Forgery Detection

by   Jie Liu, et al.

Currently, many face forgery detection methods aggregate spatial and frequency features to enhance the generalization ability and gain promising performance under the cross-dataset scenario. However, these methods only leverage one level frequency information which limits their expressive ability. To overcome these limitations, we propose a multi-scale wavelet transformer framework for face forgery detection. Specifically, to take full advantage of the multi-scale and multi-frequency wavelet representation, we gradually aggregate the multi-scale wavelet representation at different stages of the backbone network. To better fuse the frequency feature with the spatial features, frequency-based spatial attention is designed to guide the spatial feature extractor to concentrate more on forgery traces. Meanwhile, cross-modality attention is proposed to fuse the frequency features with the spatial features. These two attention modules are calculated through a unified transformer block for efficiency. A wide variety of experiments demonstrate that the proposed method is efficient and effective for both within and cross datasets.


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