Multi-view hierarchical Variational AutoEncoders with Factor Analysis latent space

Real-world databases are complex, they usually present redundancy and shared correlations between heterogeneous and multiple representations of the same data. Thus, exploiting and disentangling shared information between views is critical. For this purpose, recent studies often fuse all views into a shared nonlinear complex latent space but they lose the interpretability. To overcome this limitation, here we propose a novel method to combine multiple Variational AutoEncoders (VAE) architectures with a Factor Analysis latent space (FA-VAE). Concretely, we use a VAE to learn a private representation of each heterogeneous view in a continuous latent space. Then, we model the shared latent space by projecting every private variable to a low-dimensional latent space using a linear projection matrix. Thus, we create an interpretable hierarchical dependency between private and shared information. This way, the novel model is able to simultaneously: (i) learn from multiple heterogeneous views, (ii) obtain an interpretable hierarchical shared space, and, (iii) perform transfer learning between generative models.


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