MultiFIT: Multivariate Multiscale Framework for Independence Tests

by   Shai Gorsky, et al.

We present a framework for testing independence between two random vectors that is scalable to massive data. Taking a "divide-and-conquer" approach, we break down the nonparametric multivariate test of independence into simple univariate independence tests on a collection of 2× 2 contingency tables, constructed by sequentially discretizing the original sample space at a cascade of scales from coarse to fine. This transforms a complex nonparametric testing problem---that traditionally requires quadratic computational complexity with respect to the sample size---into a multiple testing problem that can be addressed with a computational complexity that scales almost linearly with the sample size. We further consider the scenario when the dimensionality of the two random vectors also grows large, in which case the curse of dimensionality arises in the proposed framework through an explosion in the number of univariate tests to be completed. To overcome this difficulty, we propose a data-adaptive version of our method that completes a fraction of the univariate tests, judged to be more likely to contain evidence for dependency based on exploiting the spatial characteristics of the dependency structure in the data. We provide an inference recipe based on multiple testing adjustment that guarantees the inferential validity in terms of properly controlling the family-wise error rate. We demonstrate the tremendous computational advantage of the algorithm in comparison to existing approaches while achieving desirable statistical power through an extensive simulation study. In addition, we illustrate how our method can be used for learning the nature of the underlying dependency in addition to hypothesis testing. We demonstrate the use of our method through analyzing a data set from flow cytometry.


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