My3DGen: Building Lightweight Personalized 3D Generative Model

by   Luchao Qi, et al.

Our paper presents My3DGen, a practical system for creating a personalized and lightweight 3D generative prior using as few as 10 images. My3DGen can reconstruct multi-view consistent images from an input test image, and generate novel appearances by interpolating between any two images of the same individual. While recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of personalized generative priors in producing high-quality 2D portrait reconstructions and syntheses, to the best of our knowledge, we are the first to develop a personalized 3D generative prior. Instead of fine-tuning a large pre-trained generative model with millions of parameters to achieve personalization, we propose a parameter-efficient approach. Our method involves utilizing a pre-trained model with fixed weights as a generic prior, while training a separate personalized prior through low-rank decomposition of the weights in each convolution and fully connected layer. However, parameter-efficient few-shot fine-tuning on its own often leads to overfitting. To address this, we introduce a regularization technique based on symmetry of human faces. This regularization enforces that novel view renderings of a training sample, rendered from symmetric poses, exhibit the same identity. By incorporating this symmetry prior, we enhance the quality of reconstruction and synthesis, particularly for non-frontal (profile) faces. Our final system combines low-rank fine-tuning with symmetry regularization and significantly surpasses the performance of pre-trained models, e.g. EG3D. It introduces only approximately 0.6 million additional parameters per identity compared to 31 million for full finetuning of the original model. As a result, our system achieves a 50-fold reduction in model size without sacrificing the quality of the generated 3D faces. Code will be available at our project page:


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