Nearly Optimal Adaptive Procedure for Piecewise-Stationary Bandit: a Change-Point Detection Approach

by   Yang Cao, et al.

Multi-armed bandit (MAB) is a class of online learning problems where a learning agent aims to maximize its expected cumulative reward while repeatedly selecting to pull arms with unknown reward distributions. In this paper, we consider a scenario in which the arms' reward distributions may change in a piecewise-stationary fashion at unknown time steps. By connecting change-detection techniques with classic UCB algorithms, we motivate and propose a learning algorithm called M-UCB, which can detect and adapt to changes, for the considered scenario. We also establish an O(√(MKT T)) regret bound for M-UCB, where T is the number of time steps, K is the number of arms, and M is the number of stationary segments. the gap between the expected rewards of the optimal and best suboptimal arms. Comparison with the best available lower bound shows that M-UCB is nearly optimal in T up to a logarithmic factor. We also compare M-UCB with state-of-the-art algorithms in a numerical experiment based on a public Yahoo! dataset. In this experiment, M-UCB achieves about 50 % regret reduction with respect to the best performing state-of-the-art algorithm.


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