NOMA Enhanced Terrestrial and Aerial IoT Networks with Partial CSI

by   Tianwei Hou, et al.

This article investigates a non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) enhanced Internet of Things (IoT) network. In order to provide connectivity, a novel cluster strategy is proposed, where multiple devices can be served simultaneously. Two potential scenarios are investigated: 1) NOMA enhanced terrestrial IoT networks and 2) NOMA enhanced aerial IoT networks. We utilize stochastic geometry tools to model the spatial randomness of both terrestrial and aerial devices. New channel statistics are derived for both terrestrial and aerial devices. The exact and the asymptotic expressions in terms of coverage probability are derived. In order to obtain further engineering insights, short-packet communication scenarios are investigated. From our analysis, we show that the performance of NOMA enhanced IoT networks is capable of outperforming OMA enhanced IoT networks. Moreover, based on simulation results, there exists an optimal value of the transmit power that maximizes the coverage probability.


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