On Free Description Logics with Definite Descriptions

by   Alessandro Artale, et al.

Definite descriptions are phrases of the form 'the x such that φ', used to refer to single entities in a context. They are often more meaningful to users than individual names alone, in particular when modelling or querying data over ontologies. We investigate free description logics with both individual names and definite descriptions as terms of the language, while also accounting for their possible lack of denotation. We focus on the extensions of 𝒜ℒ𝒞 and, respectively, ℰℒ with nominals, the universal role, and definite descriptions. We show that standard reasoning in these extensions is not harder than in the original languages, and we characterise the expressive power of concepts relative to first-order formulas using a suitable notion of bisimulation. Moreover, we lay the foundations for automated support for definite descriptions generation by studying the complexity of deciding the existence of definite descriptions for an individual under an ontology. Finally, we provide a polynomial-time reduction of reasoning in other free description logic languages based on dual-domain semantics to the case of partial interpretations.


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