On the Suitable Domain for SVM Training in Image Coding

by   Gustavo Camps-Valls, et al.

Conventional SVM-based image coding methods are founded on independently restricting the distortion in every image coefficient at some particular image representation. Geometrically, this implies allowing arbitrary signal distortions in an n-dimensional rectangle defined by the ε-insensitivity zone in each dimension of the selected image representation domain. Unfortunately, not every image representation domain is well-suited for such a simple, scalar-wise, approach because statistical and/or perceptual interactions between the coefficients may exist. These interactions imply that scalar approaches may induce distortions that do not follow the image statistics and/or are perceptually annoying. Taking into account these relations would imply using non-rectangular ε-insensitivity regions (allowing coupled distortions in different coefficients), which is beyond the conventional SVM formulation. In this paper, we report a condition on the suitable domain for developing efficient SVM image coding schemes. We analytically demonstrate that no linear domain fulfills this condition because of the statistical and perceptual inter-coefficient relations that exist in these domains. This theoretical result is experimentally confirmed by comparing SVM learning in previously reported linear domains and in a recently proposed non-linear perceptual domain that simultaneously reduces the statistical and perceptual relations (so it is closer to fulfilling the proposed condition). These results highlight the relevance of an appropriate choice of the image representation before SVM learning.


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