On the Use of Non-Stationary Policies for Stationary Infinite-Horizon Markov Decision Processes

by   Bruno Scherrer, et al.

We consider infinite-horizon stationary γ-discounted Markov Decision Processes, for which it is known that there exists a stationary optimal policy. Using Value and Policy Iteration with some error ϵ at each iteration, it is well-known that one can compute stationary policies that are 2γ/(1-γ)^2ϵ-optimal. After arguing that this guarantee is tight, we develop variations of Value and Policy Iteration for computing non-stationary policies that can be up to 2γ/1-γϵ-optimal, which constitutes a significant improvement in the usual situation when γ is close to 1. Surprisingly, this shows that the problem of "computing near-optimal non-stationary policies" is much simpler than that of "computing near-optimal stationary policies".


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