Opening the black box of neural nets: case studies in stop/top discrimination

by   Thomas Roxlo, et al.

We introduce techniques for exploring the functionality of a neural network and extracting simple, human-readable approximations to its performance. By performing gradient ascent on the input space of the network, we are able to produce large populations of artificial events which strongly excite a given classifier. By studying the populations of these events, we then directly produce what are essentially contour maps of the network's classification function. Combined with a suite of tools for identifying the input dimensions deemed most important by the network, we can utilize these maps to efficiently interpret the dominant criteria by which the network makes its classification. As a test case, we study networks trained to discriminate supersymmetric stop production in the dilepton channel from Standard Model backgrounds. In the case of a heavy stop decaying to a light neutralino, we find individual neurons with large mutual information with m_T2^ℓℓ, a human-designed variable for optimizing the analysis. The network selects events with significant missing p_T oriented azimuthally away from both leptons, efficiently rejecting tt background. In the case of a light stop with three-body decays to Wbχ and little phase space, we find neurons that smoothly interpolate between a similar top-rejection strategy and an ISR-tagging strategy allowing for more missing momentum. We also find that a neural network trained on a stealth stop parameter point learns novel angular correlations.


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