Optimizing Strongly Interacting Fermionic Hamiltonians

by   Matthew B. Hastings, et al.

The fundamental problem in much of physics and quantum chemistry is to optimize a low-degree polynomial in certain anticommuting variables. Being a quantum mechanical problem, in many cases we do not know an efficient classical witness to the optimum, or even to an approximation of the optimum. One prominent exception is when the optimum is described by a so-called "Gaussian state", also called a free fermion state. In this work we are interested in the complexity of this optimization problem when no good Gaussian state exists. Our primary testbed is the Sachdev–Ye–Kitaev (SYK) model of random degree-q polynomials, a model of great current interest in condensed matter physics and string theory, and one which has remarkable properties from a computational complexity standpoint. Among other results, we give an efficient classical certification algorithm for upper-bounding the largest eigenvalue in the q=4 SYK model, and an efficient quantum certification algorithm for lower-bounding this largest eigenvalue; both algorithms achieve constant-factor approximations with high probability.


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