Optimum GSSK Transmission in Massive MIMO Systems Using the Box-LASSO Decoder

by   Ayed M. Alrashdi, et al.

We propose in this work to employ the Box-LASSO, a variation of the popular LASSO method, as a low-complexity decoder in a massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communication system. The Box-LASSO is mainly useful for detecting simultaneously structured signals such as signals that are known to be sparse and bounded. One modulation technique that generates essentially sparse and bounded constellation points is the so-called generalized space-shift keying (GSSK) modulation. In this direction, we derive high dimensional sharp characterizations of various performance measures of the Box-LASSO such as the mean square error, probability of support recovery, and the element error rate, under independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian channels that are not perfectly known. In particular, the analytical characterizations can be used to demonstrate performance improvements of the Box-LASSO as compared to the widely used standard LASSO. Then, we can use these measures to optimally tune the involved hyper-parameters of Box-LASSO such as the regularization parameter. In addition, we derive optimum power allocation and training duration schemes in a training-based massive MIMO system. Monte Carlo simulations are used to validate these premises and to show the sharpness of the derived analytical results.


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