Optron: Better Medical Image Registration via Training in the Loop

by   Yicheng Chen, et al.

Previously, in the field of medical image registration, there are primarily two paradigms, the traditional optimization-based methods, and the deep-learning-based methods. Each of these paradigms has its advantages, and in this work, we aim to take the best of both worlds. Instead of developing a new deep learning model, we designed a robust training architecture that is simple and generalizable. We present Optron, a general training architecture incorporating the idea of training-in-the-loop. By iteratively optimizing the prediction result of a deep learning model through a plug-and-play optimizer module in the training loop, Optron introduces pseudo ground truth to an unsupervised training process. And by bringing the training process closer to that of supervised training, Optron can consistently improve the models' performance and convergence speed. We evaluated our method on various combinations of models and datasets, and we have achieved state-of-the-art performance on the IXI dataset, improving the previous state-of-the-art method TransMorph by a significant margin of +1.6 consistently achieved positive results with other models and datasets. It increases the validation DSC for VoxelMorph and ViT-V-Net by +2.3 respectively on IXI, demonstrating our method's generalizability. Our implementation is publicly available at https://github.com/miraclefactory/optron


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