Parallel Predictive Entropy Search for Multi-objective Bayesian Optimization with Constraints

Real-world problems often involve the optimization of several objectives under multiple constraints. Furthermore, we may not have an expression for each objective or constraint; they may be expensive to evaluate; and the evaluations can be noisy. These functions are referred to as black-boxes. Bayesian optimization (BO) can efficiently solve the problems described. For this, BO iteratively fits a model to the observations of each black-box. The models are then used to choose where to evaluate the black-boxes next, with the goal of solving the optimization problem in a few iterations. In particular, they guide the search for the problem solution, and avoid evaluations in regions of little expected utility. A limitation, however, is that current BO methods for these problems choose a point at a time at which to evaluate the black-boxes. If the expensive evaluations can be carried out in parallel (as when a cluster of computers is available), this results in a waste of resources. Here, we introduce PPESMOC, Parallel Predictive Entropy Search for Multi-objective Optimization with Constraints, a BO strategy for solving the problems described. PPESMOC selects, at each iteration, a batch of input locations at which to evaluate the black-boxes, in parallel, to maximally reduce the entropy of the problem solution. To our knowledge, this is the first batch method for constrained multi-objective BO. We present empirical evidence in the form of synthetic, benchmark and real-world experiments that illustrate the effectiveness of PPESMOC.


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