Partial Product Updates for Agents of Detectable Failure and Logical Obstruction to Task Solvability

by   Daisuke Nakai, et al.

The logical method proposed by Goubault, Ledent, and Rajsbaum provides a novel way to show the unsolvability of distributed tasks by means of a logical obstruction, which is an epistemic logic formula describing the reason of unsolvability. In this paper, we introduce the notion of partial product update, which refines that of product update in the original logical method, to encompass distributed tasks and protocols modeled by impure simplicial complexes. With this extended notion of partial product update, the original logical method is generalized so that it allows the application of logical obstruction to show unsolvability results in a distributed environment where the failure of agents is detectable. We demonstrate the use of the logical method by giving a concrete logical obstruction and showing that the consensus task is unsolvable by the single-round synchronous message-passing protocol.


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