PLUTO: Penalized Unbiased Logistic Regression Trees
We propose a new algorithm called PLUTO for building logistic regression trees to binary response data. PLUTO can capture the nonlinear and interaction patterns in messy data by recursively partitioning the sample space. It fits a simple or a multiple linear logistic regression model in each partition. PLUTO employs the cyclical coordinate descent method for estimation of multiple linear logistic regression models with elastic net penalties, which allows it to deal with high-dimensional data efficiently. The tree structure comprises a graphical description of the data. Together with the logistic regression models, it provides an accurate classifier as well as a piecewise smooth estimate of the probability of "success". PLUTO controls selection bias by: (1) separating split variable selection from split point selection; (2) applying an adjusted chi-squared test to find the split variable instead of exhaustive search. A bootstrap calibration technique is employed to further correct selection bias. Comparison on real datasets shows that on average, the multiple linear PLUTO models predict more accurately than other algorithms.