Polymorphic Reachability Types: Tracking Freshness, Aliasing, and Separation in Higher-Order Generic Programs

by   Guannan Wei, et al.

Reachability types are a recent proposal that has shown promise in scaling to higher-order but monomorphic settings, tracking aliasing and separation on top of a substrate inspired by separation logic. The prior λ^* reachability type system qualifies types with sets of reachable variables and guarantees separation if two terms have disjoint qualifiers. However, naive extensions with type polymorphism and/or precise reachability polymorphism are unsound, making λ^* unsuitable for adoption in real languages. Combining reachability and type polymorphism that is precise, sound, and parametric remains an open challenge. This paper presents a rethinking of the design of reachability tracking and proposes a solution to the key challenge of reachability polymorphism. Instead of always tracking the transitive closure of reachable variables as in the original design, we only track variables reachable in a single step and compute transitive closures only when necessary, thus preserving chains of reachability over known variables that can be refined using substitution. To enable this property, we introduce a new freshness qualifier, which indicates variables whose reachability sets may grow during evaluation steps. These ideas yield the simply-typed λ^♢-calculus with precise lightweight, i.e., quantifier-free, reachability polymorphism, and the 𝖥_<:^♢-calculus with bounded parametric polymorphism over types and reachability qualifiers. We prove type soundness and a preservation of separation property in Coq.


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