Prescribing Deep Attentive Score Prediction Attracts Improved Student Engagement

by   Youngnam Lee, et al.

Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) have been developed to provide students with personalized learning experiences by adaptively generating learning paths optimized for each individual. Within the vast scope of ITS, score prediction stands out as an area of study that enables students to construct individually realistic goals based on their current position. Via the expected score provided by the ITS, a student can instantaneously compare one's expected score to one's actual score, which directly corresponds to the reliability that the ITS can instill. In other words, refining the precision of predicted scores strictly correlates to the level of confidence that a student may have with an ITS, which will evidently ensue improved student engagement. However, previous studies have solely concentrated on improving the performance of a prediction model, largely lacking focus on the benefits generated by its practical application. In this paper, we demonstrate that the accuracy of the score prediction model deployed in a real-world setting significantly impacts user engagement by providing empirical evidence. To that end, we apply a state-of-the-art deep attentive neural network-based score prediction model to Santa, a multi-platform English ITS with approximately 780K users in South Korea that exclusively focuses on the TOEIC (Test of English for International Communications) standardized examinations. We run a controlled A/B test on the ITS with two models, respectively based on collaborative filtering and deep attentive neural networks, to verify whether the more accurate model engenders any student engagement. The results conclude that the attentive model not only induces high student morale (e.g. higher diagnostic test completion ratio, number of questions answered, etc.) but also encourages active engagement (e.g. higher purchase rate, improved total profit, etc.) on Santa.


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