Privacy-Preserving Multi-Target Multi-Domain Recommender Systems with Assisted AutoEncoders

by   Enmao Diao, et al.

A long-standing challenge in Recommender Systems (RCs) is the data sparsity problem that often arises when users rate very few items. Multi-Target Multi-Domain Recommender Systems (MTMDR) aim to improve the recommendation performance in multiple domains simultaneously. The existing works assume that the data of different domains can be fully shared, and the computation can be performed in a centralized manner. However, in many realistic scenarios, separate recommender systems are operated by different organizations, which do not allow the sharing of private data, models, and recommendation tasks. This work proposes an MTMDR based on Assisted AutoEncoders (AAE) and Multi-Target Assisted Learning (MTAL) to help organizational learners improve their recommendation performance simultaneously without sharing sensitive assets. Moreover, AAE has a broad application scope since it allows explicit or implicit feedback, user- or item-based alignment, and with or without side information. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms the case where each domain is locally trained, and it performs competitively with the centralized training where all data are shared. As a result, AAE can effectively integrate organizations from different domains to form a community of shared interest.


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