Proportional Representation under Single-Crossing Preferences Revisited

by   Andrei Constantinescu, et al.

We study the complexity of determining a winning committee under the Chamberlin–Courant voting rule when voters' preferences are single-crossing on a line, or, more generally, on a median graph (this class of graphs includes, e.g., trees and grids). For the line, Skowron et al. (2015) describe an O(n^2mk) algorithm (where n, m, k are the number of voters, the number of candidates and the committee size, respectively); we show that a simple tweak improves the time complexity to O(nmk). We then improve this bound for k=Ω(log n) by reducing our problem to the k-link path problem for DAGs with concave Monge weights, obtaining a nm2^O(√(log kloglog n)) algorithm for the general case and a nearly linear algorithm for the Borda misrepresentation function. For trees, we point out an issue with the algorithm proposed by Clearwater, Puppe and Slinko (2015), and develop a O(nmk) algorithm for this case as well. For grids, we formulate a conjecture about the structure of optimal solutions, and describe a polynomial-time algorithm that finds a winning committee if this conjecture is true; we also explain how to convert this algorithm into a bicriterial approximation algorithm whose correctness does not depend on the conjecture.


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