Ψec: A Local Spectral Exterior Calculus
We introduce Ψec, a local spectral exterior calculus that provides a discretization of Cartan's exterior calculus of differential forms using wavelet functions. Our construction consists of differential form wavelets with flexible directional localization, between fully isotropic and curvelet- and ridgelet-like, that provide tight frames for the spaces of k-forms in R^2 and R^3. By construction, these wavelets satisfy the de Rahm co-chain complex, the Hodge decomposition, and that the integral of a k+1-form is a k-form. They also enforce Stokes' theorem for differential forms, and we show that with a finite number of wavelet levels it is most efficiently approximated using anisotropic curvelet- or ridgelet-like forms. Our construction is based on the intrinsic geometric properties of the exterior calculus in the Fourier domain. To reveal these, we extend existing results on the Fourier transform of differential forms to a frequency domain description of the exterior calculus, including, for example, a Parseval theorem for forms and a description of the symbols of all important operators.