Quantizing rare random maps: application to flooding visualization

by   Charlie Sire, et al.

Visualization is an essential operation when assessing the risk of rare events such as coastal or river floodings. The goal is to display a few prototype events that best represent the probability law of the observed phenomenon, a task known as quantization. It becomes a challenge when data is expensive to generate and critical events are scarce. In the case of floodings, predictions rely on expensive-to-evaluate hydraulic simulators which take as aleatory inputs offshore meteo-oceanic conditions and dyke breach parameters to compute water level maps. In this article, Lloyd's algorithm, which classically serves to quantize data, is adapted to the context of rare and costly-to-observe events. Low probability is treated through importance sampling, while Functional Principal Component Analysis combined with a Gaussian process deal with the costly hydraulic simulations. The calculated prototype maps represent the probability distribution of the flooding events in a minimal expected distance sense, and each is associated to a probability mass. The method is first validated using a 2D analytical model and then applied to a real coastal flooding scenario. The two sources of error, the metamodel and the importance sampling, are evaluated to guarantee the precision of the method.


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