Quantum Approximate Counting, Simplified

by   Scott Aaronson, et al.

In 1998, Brassard, Hoyer, Mosca, and Tapp (BHMT) gave a quantum algorithm for approximate counting. Given a list of N items, K of them marked, their algorithm estimates K to within relative error ε by making only O( 1/ε√(N/K)) queries. Although this speedup is of "Grover" type, the BHMT algorithm has the curious feature of relying on the Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT), more commonly associated with Shor's algorithm. Is this necessary? This paper presents a simplified algorithm, which we prove achieves the same query complexity using Grover iterations only. We also generalize this to a QFT-free algorithm for amplitude estimation. Related approaches to approximate counting were sketched previously by Grover, Abrams and Williams, Suzuki et al., and Wie (the latter two as we were writing this paper), but in all cases without rigorous analysis.


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