Quick Minimization of Tardy Processing Time on a Single Machine

by   Baruch Schieber, et al.

We consider the problem of minimizing the total processing time of tardy jobs on a single machine. This is a classical scheduling problem, first considered by [Lawler and Moore 1969], that also generalizes the Subset Sum problem. Recently, it was shown that this problem can be solved efficiently by computing (max,min)-skewed-convolutions. The running time of the resulting algorithm is equivalent, up to logarithmic factors, to the time it takes to compute a (max,min)-skewed-convolution of two vectors of integers whose sum is O(P), where P is the sum of the jobs' processing times. We further improve the running time of the minimum tardy processing time computation by introducing a job “bundling” technique and achieve a Õ(P^2-1/α) running time, where Õ(P^α) is the running time of a (max,min)-skewed-convolution of vectors of size P. This results in a Õ(P^7/5) time algorithm for tardy processing time minimization, an improvement over the previously known Õ(P^5/3) time algorithm.


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