Randomized algorithms for Tikhonov regularization in linear least squares

by   Maike Meier, et al.

We describe two algorithms to efficiently solve regularized linear least squares systems based on sketching. The algorithms compute preconditioners for minAx-b^2_2 + λx^2_2, where A∈ℝ^m× n and λ>0 is a regularization parameter, such that LSQR converges in 𝒪(log(1/ϵ)) iterations for ϵ accuracy. We focus on the context where the optimal regularization parameter is unknown, and the system must be solved for a number of parameters λ. Our algorithms are applicable in both the underdetermined m≪ n and the overdetermined m≫ n setting. Firstly, we propose a Cholesky-based sketch-to-precondition algorithm that uses a `partly exact' sketch, and only requires one sketch for a set of N regularization parameters λ. The complexity of solving for N parameters is 𝒪(mnlog(max(m,n)) +N(min(m,n)^3 + mnlog(1/ϵ))). Secondly, we introduce an algorithm that uses a sketch of size 𝒪(sd_λ(A)) for the case where the statistical dimension sd_λ(A)≪min(m,n). The scheme we propose does not require the computation of the Gram matrix, resulting in a more stable scheme than existing algorithms in this context. We can solve for N values of λ_i in 𝒪(mnlog(max(m,n)) + min(m,n) sd_minλ_i(A)^2 + Nmnlog(1/ϵ)) operations.


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