Refiner: Data Refining against Gradient Leakage Attacks in Federated Learning

by   Mingyuan Fan, et al.

Federated Learning (FL) is pervasive in privacy-focused IoT environments since it enables avoiding privacy leakage by training models with gradients instead of data. Recent works show the uploaded gradients can be employed to reconstruct data, i.e., gradient leakage attacks, and several defenses are designed to alleviate the risk by tweaking the gradients. However, these defenses exhibit weak resilience against threatening attacks, as the effectiveness builds upon the unrealistic assumptions that deep neural networks are simplified as linear models. In this paper, without such unrealistic assumptions, we present a novel defense, called Refiner, instead of perturbing gradients, which refines ground-truth data to craft robust data that yields sufficient utility but with the least amount of privacy information, and then the gradients of robust data are uploaded. To craft robust data, Refiner promotes the gradients of critical parameters associated with robust data to close ground-truth ones while leaving the gradients of trivial parameters to safeguard privacy. Moreover, to exploit the gradients of trivial parameters, Refiner utilizes a well-designed evaluation network to steer robust data far away from ground-truth data, thereby alleviating privacy leakage risk. Extensive experiments across multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate the superior defense effectiveness of Refiner at defending against state-of-the-art threats.


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