ReFormer: The Relational Transformer for Image Captioning

by   Xuewen Yang, et al.

Image captioning is shown to be able to achieve a better performance by using scene graphs to represent the relations of objects in the image. The current captioning encoders generally use a Graph Convolutional Net (GCN) to represent the relation information and merge it with the object region features via concatenation or convolution to get the final input for sentence decoding. However, the GCN-based encoders in the existing methods are less effective for captioning due to two reasons. First, using the image captioning as the objective (i.e., Maximum Likelihood Estimation) rather than a relation-centric loss cannot fully explore the potential of the encoder. Second, using a pre-trained model instead of the encoder itself to extract the relationships is not flexible and cannot contribute to the explainability of the model. To improve the quality of image captioning, we propose a novel architecture ReFormer – a RElational transFORMER to generate features with relation information embedded and to explicitly express the pair-wise relationships between objects in the image. ReFormer incorporates the objective of scene graph generation with that of image captioning using one modified Transformer model. This design allows ReFormer to generate not only better image captions with the bene-fit of extracting strong relational image features, but also scene graphs to explicitly describe the pair-wise relation-ships. Experiments on publicly available datasets show that our model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on image captioning and scene graph generation


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