Registering Explicit to Implicit: Towards High-Fidelity Garment mesh Reconstruction from Single Images

by   Heming Zhu, et al.

Fueled by the power of deep learning techniques and implicit shape learning, recent advances in single-image human digitalization have reached unprecedented accuracy and could recover fine-grained surface details such as garment wrinkles. However, a common problem for the implicit-based methods is that they cannot produce separated and topology-consistent mesh for each garment piece, which is crucial for the current 3D content creation pipeline. To address this issue, we proposed a novel geometry inference framework ReEF that reconstructs topology-consistent layered garment mesh by registering the explicit garment template to the whole-body implicit fields predicted from single images. Experiments demonstrate that our method notably outperforms its counterparts on single-image layered garment reconstruction and could bring high-quality digital assets for further content creation.


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