Relatively Complete Verification of Probabilistic Programs

by   Kevin Batz, et al.

We study a syntax for specifying quantitative "assertions" - functions mapping program states to numbers - for probabilistic program verification. We prove that our syntax is expressive in the following sense: Given any probabilistic program C, if a function f is expressible in our syntax, then the function mapping each initial state σ to the expected value of f evaluated in the final states reached after termination of C on σ (also called the weakest preexpectation wp [C](f)) is also expressible in our syntax. As a consequence, we obtain a relatively complete verification system for reasoning about expected values and probabilities in the sense of Cook: Apart from proving a single inequality between two functions given by syntactic expressions in our language, given f, g, and C, we can check whether g ≼wp [C] (f).


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