ReorientBot: Learning Object Reorientation for Specific-Posed Placement

by   Kentaro Wada, et al.

Robots need the capability of placing objects in arbitrary, specific poses to rearrange the world and achieve various valuable tasks. Object reorientation plays a crucial role in this as objects may not initially be oriented such that the robot can grasp and then immediately place them in a specific goal pose. In this work, we present a vision-based manipulation system, ReorientBot, which consists of 1) visual scene understanding with pose estimation and volumetric reconstruction using an onboard RGB-D camera; 2) learned waypoint selection for successful and efficient motion generation for reorientation; 3) traditional motion planning to generate a collision-free trajectory from the selected waypoints. We evaluate our method using the YCB objects in both simulation and the real world, achieving 93 and 22 demonstrate extended multi-object rearrangement showing the general capability of the system.


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